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Membuat Daily Activity

Selamat malam, Lagi punya waktu longgar ni, dari pada nganggur mau posting dulu. walopun sederhana sekali ya yang saya posting. Postingan selanjutnya mengenai Membuat Daily Activity. Jaman SMAku dulu sering banget kalo disuruh buat Daily Activity, kebetulan masih punya simpenan ni. Tapi dari jaman kuliah semester awal dulu. Langsung aja ya dibawah ini. Selamat Membaca !


In this occasion, I want to tell you about my dialy lives.
I usually get up at 4.30 a.m. and then I clean my badroom after cleaning my bad I go to bathroom to take a ritual ablution. Afterwards I do a dawn prayer, then I help my mother for cook in the Kitchen. And breakfast is my next activities, after that I go to bath room to take a bath at 7.00 a.m. I always sweep the floor in the morning, and then I help my perents for keep the shop until 12.00 a.m.
Afterwards I take a rest, lunch, take a bath and do a midday prayer. And usually I go to bad at 02.00 p.m, and get up at 3.00 p.m, than I prepare for school, I take bath, iron my clothes, and do an afternoon prayer. I leave my house at 4:45 pm and ride my motor to campus, I start class at 4.00 pm, When I study I get much lesson about Visual Basic, Scilab, and other lesson. I never browsing couse I dont know the password.
Usually we just get one lesson, I finish class at 5.30 pm then I home and do a maghrib prayer, after that I dinner with my sister and brother, with watching television, after dinner my sister and my brother study for school yesterday, and usually I help them for study.
And at 8.30 p.m I do an isya’ prayer, then I go to bed to listen K-Pop music and review the lesson from my teachers, and try to make a program, do my home work, browsing, cutting mp3 and others until 10.00 p.m, after all finished then I sleep well.
That’s all my daily activities and if you found many mistakes please forgive me,,
And thank you so much… ^_^

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